IVAN ARGUELLES lives in Berkeley, California. His books include Daya Karo! (Luna Bisonte Prods), City of Angels (Potes & Poets) and 'That' Goddess (Pantograph Press).


as solo is to death so one is to plural (fic tions'
entirely disposable, as language is used all the )
character set defines redundancy in red and heliotrope
air refines around us the quality to "be"
finishing near the end of the grass where mirrors
are pure retrospection an end to the firm intaglio of cloud
fini shes letter perfect the water has its "edge"
teeth set the her bites me so "good"
is it vast for usage? // -phenated "realities"
chairoscuro de ontic stellar captivated for years
hesita tion s hush linguistically devoured "she" wants
for more I know in the capsule version that she will "be"
more than the flash of a replication on glossy fold neatly
middle outs bottom floor glass intro spection of spine
"meat" 's out distinctions vary from (purisima sex add ict
III ?) possibly the last time ,one , flotation device her
was a last bloomer in swimming death breath held back
for hair in mirror's own twilight other ness
as in all photocatches a flash de notes an instant eternalized
"der Himmel" just red and black the neat savage smoothness
her skin pushed back far enough for light to lose
text ure is able to re mani pulate the words dis a ppear
chants mogrified in chilling effect con trol al most
auburn a section glimpsed to come back (for more)
so did and bought an extra copy of the
work report -bation in cold dawn on floor
both knees anchored to a slot in infinity
chiselled her outline a wrap invites inflection
indo aryan s mouldering gazes into attic of time
as all melts into distance of silence vedic
hover craft fobs failure to relate end of time
dis re oriented toward a cutter through waters
pasted to an endless row of "h's"
end clear of "reality"
to pursue the in evitable her was red and wearing
black cosmetics a shade over brief eyes the mirror
half a dozen tarantulas rose in her left
a descriptor grammatically conducted
toward the central fold over margin slick magazine
stock paper to burn above the hip origin of silence
depth charge whitens toward brink of disaster
a wall held for its breath she strips it down to
a color somewhere between vermillion and death
the part in her hair was ready to cry burst lip
lowers for blood insect to
"charmed" by her dis robed an atelier of fake marbles
a statue cried its monument of despair tilted
in the corner of her right fracture the sight
gives way to a spin of doubled "s's" maritime
foam s orgies thunder apparel briefly lit for a
out of what her sees all blind to the -podes
planet in line with the word is "cunt"
aspects dived a spine rumpled cortex a blow to
sucking hard the air gave way four floors below
shattered her up rose the defiant edge glass shaped
around the indigo tattoo of her a heart corona of "
never was anything between definite us a ly
HEX nipples sashes a flay reddish cordons a sk her
says nothing a band around tight the head blackens
of consciousness (the) though maps a china a trails
whiter blazons a pistol up the back vertebrae link
to wake the dawn morning's alba crying hard into a thick grass
attack of the ( bitters aspen spurns trunk
slams ) rough ride wheels spin rubber oid sphalt
was a cigarette a ancient thud the suburb wrapped in
cello (phane) // montage in french with iseult in wallet
picture size a tiny stamp no bigger than a magnified
to a raped her in brush burning sage and thyme arose to
homeric gift (poison? gothic) the "gods" stunned
in olympian boudoir brow grazed the marble fell
un conscious incognito draped in byzantine prophyry
minerva hiding orgasmic -xults buttocks jacked
hardening into the concrete mirage a is a sailor?
caesar's civic war memorials a park lined with umber
her repetitions are easy to purchase just wire Mom
home gone \\ funerales \\ rg veda in "con text"
cartilage smashed the a fist in the canvas wearing a headlock
tripled and could "take" it
lipstick half an inch thick to hide the
" c o r o l l a s "
d e e p pattern ed cellular division
is life beginning a gain
a threat received by wire and monogrammed to the
letter a singular event beyond des cription angelic
coves shoved where the remains in a tight small
broke the mast in a squall and radioed to no "effect"
bruised easier than thought before a the size of paper
and when folded into quadrants enough of the sky
so seep through leaving a faint lavender trace s
then a different parts of the body took anatomically
a hell of a as watched from side to flying hair and spit
to side sweat in sheets layered over the what was it?
inert the lump of "meat" but when at the right spot
stiffened quivering displayed some oil over the area
but exists blank as a con junction hesperides oval
in between the slats a seen as if for the first a jettisoned
his "come" against the already dirty glass a specks
the goddess opened her s as well and spitting a fray
cloth undone above wheeling in the patch of text
birds a teal a kestrel was weary and the
book indifferent to its contents lay there asking
her is a difficult "thing" a reddens the white stuff around
her eyes enormous un contained -able fzzz sh
"what do you call this stuff?"
she's not worth the spit a whole orient tilting
pockets of a undefinable ash or a down
of sorts a pellucid matter she a was her the
swelling here and there where the were hardest
and summed up the biblical in an episode modern for its
greek the thought content however the thin a vaporized
soon to be released in cune iform "blows"
to admit to even in fantasy we are about to anyway die
doesn't matter the music as an emblem a haunting
incessant obsessive "background" rhythm noise white
or blank below the hyphen and a sequence of gyrating
I'm a thoughts gone asleep blanched a edges fray
tassels squirting un controll lay the head down
on the stone to gather sleep from a cor ner


so if it is come to be "this"
so be (flame's integer
home ing stinct is warm er
near wher e only ashe(s)
s(warm) linger petals a drop
a has and chapters of blank sand
a hovering delight re mains just
that to be and no more in iso
lation is just there finishing
prose of text in air and
sweeten s despond the tactic
aureoles blush hazy lemish
to main tain the alter nate the
ego 's other "yo soy otro"
darker hoof is hell 's way
sun setting sighted in cloth
gold array of glitter as star
s in volume s of in effable
the water at the very begin
ning of time has no outer
to utter the swaying in wind
s storming walls yellow dialect
in fission her (mouth) pried
as no indication s (south is
to the dead) and for wavering
her column s in decibels too
ornate topped by a choir
sweating the seams as burst
light in sheaves scattering
over hold of ancient "space"
(it's in the bible) touched a
section of meat whiten a paint
her wild as roses orient
a desert flayed for heat
prim as dew swift ened
decay of parts of sky scales
chips as adze or flint s tone
tucking the inn- spots link
to choral prelude and planets
sighted for envy wheeling
we are come to "nought"
the used car the sale port
folio in vagabondage clinks
a song re sumes its why other
singled out of a partitura
minor are keys a door wins
thought of the umbratile the
uncolored the lacking space
the the un a that too solo
tombs frieze in void of lacust
rine cities mirage a whisper
too be comes and loud as ef
fects on the pane rivers smash
easier than glass over wails
un able to wake the street
broadens its trench for deal
in argot for sub cortical a rem
nant poetical spies linger in
dormer with whiteness of de
cay (fewer than five
? sions of a boulevard
shanks ling biceps
doubled over to see the valley
florescent the magnificent
yews and shading off into
where soundless the tread
of the dead in their pygmy
a lluvial pattern suburb s
oleum) spatt ers ink the
while in outer patois the
sound for "aitch" is sub
merged with the amatory epistle
rounds of ammu nition
ab solutely noiseless ex
plos ing shifts in the primi
tive linen around wrapped the
which is a body in bloom
each word is a matter
not to be spent light ly
ether re fracts and color gain
s sight of other ness
though blind and apostolic