CHRIS RUSSELL lives in New Hampshire.


    she liked her beauty products


    about the green-lentil carpet

so she could look at them planning

some things out

    what she did with those



    he never knew

        the boy

he figured she was thinking

    giving them to someone

    but he never saw her

get out

    and nobody ever visited trailer #14

        when the man wasn't home

she'd always be at home

    doing something

        the boy

    would return home from school

put down

    his book bag wait

for his time

    and ask her many types

of questions

    he'd later on remember

to forget

    finally suddenly

    he'd glance her face

        that didn't keep anything

the time

    so he'd begin unbuckling his

    big-buckled belt walk

    to the bed-

        room without knowing where what was


    to the floor side the bed


    his hands

together top the mattress

as in prayer


    the boy didn't pray

    he didn't know how

he knew that

    when the man returned

from work he'd ask him

    for money to replace

that would be broken.


To the dead, a rose stuck tired groves, raps
red the clear-sucked moat dear
the sparrowing dead. Duty
to the place they shut up with, holes
to the sky make bent, the first jade-layed litter
put out by the near gut-tightening leach. Black-
tubbed vaseline rain roosts the stink
of brown water flies and fish finning cold
sweaters their brother highway knitted
deep. An orange-rubbered wire fence smiles
rest a bit. In the wheated grass,
a cricket's microscopic love preens
a bee's legs plum-dark for flashes, welling a taste
in color's bending clover. Snake-chattered helicopters
scream beyond, stomping vermin too big
for copper-hot water pipes,
into their body-spoiled longs, soon
to be be painted white by leave's
upstanding slip of hills. Going comes
the nerved horizon, numb, letting
distance abut teach.


I am in a box
where truth is relative,
and where I see manifestations
that are not truth
- true manifestations
maybe, but not true
- and I know this also is a lie.

I am in a box
where every moment
is a recall,
and where truths
outside me are equivalent
to the truths
inside me
- this is a vacuum
- and I am a person,
not a vacuum.


They are there, the things
that we see, and they
are what they are, only this,
and just this
- paper is there because we see it,
and not there because we don't see it
- it's as simple as that, as us
knowing where here is.
To make a circus
- an acrobatic return
of a dirty floor peanut
- of knowing is not a straight practice
because it is not.