RON SILLIMAN's most recent collections are R (Drogue Press) and MultiPlex (Wild Honey Press). His poems have recently appeared in CrossConnect and Quarry West #34, which is a special 200-page issue devoted to his work. He lives in Paoli, Pennsylvania.


Sun in the fog in the trees, birds
skittering in the first light.
Shadow of my hand over the word
as I write. The master of rooms
constructs a cage within a castle
within which a canary who whistles
might sing.
        We give birth
to death itself and then
live forever in fear and awe
which is the same thing, and call it
the simplest of names or forget
its name altogether, it is so
        Time waits not
for the screen to redraw, for
me to withdraw, that
drawl that extends
the o in no
when a daughter leaves a daughter
Old Irish alibi

The market seen as a game of chess
a million colors across a vast board
each in play simultaneously
is not the individual's experience
of an acquisition, is not
what, standing by the copier window
causes one to pause.
the parking lot so full
the brown UPS van is forced
to pull up on the grass, the vast
park just past the last rooftops
lone white church spire rising thru the trees
two plumes of white steam rise high
from the cooling towers of Limerick

Thin blue linebreak
merely an echo one half hears ringing
receding the instant one wakes
back into the dream - what was that?
a rock one finds shining on the beach
that when dry loses its luster
only to carry forward a new, different fascination
too difficult to name - what is that?
Tricks, to thread words
heard in the head forward
between lines, thru
the morning of snow falling
indoor winter light

Small potato eyes
sink into the snowman's face
leaning in the gradual warmth
over the fence
the train roars south
cold mechanical bullet

Quilt as a theory of form

Full moon never free of poplar branches
night forest blue with snow
house seen as a lantern, muted
throws long shadows

Long clear whistle
followed by a trill -
which bird wakes
to greet the rainy dawn
tho the adjectival itself
forms a cliché
to display the familiar / familial
all of civilization sucked into the verb "greet"

In Avignon I found the French easier
because cast in a Spanish slant

The bird as an object
in the tree as an object
sings without intention
in the meaningless woods